Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all)
February 4–April 8, 2023
Press Release

Elza Sile, Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all), installation view, 2023

Elza Sile, Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all), installation view, 2023

Elza Sile, Mountain Tears Chain Jewel, 2023, Gelatin flaked into expanding reptile/feather like wall carpet cut into star shape over wood framework. Miniature geographic curiosities enclosed by metal wire and popular acrylic toothpaste simulation reflecting colors of dominant nation states, 95 x 95 cm

Elza Sile, Mountain Tears Chain Jewel (detail), 2023

Elza Sile, Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all), installation view, 2023

Elza Sile, Hideout, 2023, Extruding image built from classic painting materials covering, 67 x 50 cm

Elza Sile, Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all), installation view, 2023

Elza Sile, Ocean Spring, 2023, Ulcers facing eachother getting lost into underground salad, gelatin dipped into acrylic, plastic, plaster bandage covering wood, thread, 69 x 56 cm

Elza Sile, Laurel Bay Construction Site, 2023, plaster bandage for broken bones, gelatin dipped into acrylic paint

Elza Sile, Mystery Bloodshed (Ever is over all), installation view, 2023