
Jose Luis Vargas
Yo Reinaré
May 22–August 02, 2020


A conversation with the artist via instagram will take place Saturday,
May 23 at 2pm EST in English and Thursday, May 28 at 1pm EST in Spanish.

Jose Luis Vargas Yo Reinaré, Installation video tour made by José Luis Vargas, 2020

Jose Luis Vargas, Yo Reinaré, Installation view, 2020

Los cocos te están hablando, 2020, 26" x 40" inches, aluminum, plush balls, acrylic on paper

Los cocos te están hablando, Detail

Los cocos te están hablando, Detail

Háblale, él te esta escuchando, 2020, 22" x 30" inches, aluminum, plush balls, sequin, acrylic & gesso on paper

Línea directa, 2020, 35" x 38" Inches, aluminum, plush balls, sequin, acrylic & gesso on paper

Línea directa, Detail

Línea directa, Detail

Santo, Santo, Santo,…¿ éres mi héroe ? (Todavía), 2020, 40" x 26" Inches, collage, aluminum, plush balls, sequin, acrylic & gesso on paper

Santo, Santo, Santo,.....¿ éres mi héroe ? (Todavía) , Detail

Algún tipo de diálogo hay ahí, 2020, 40" x 32" Inches, collage, anatomic drawing, acrylic & gesso on paper

Materialización de una trenza, 2020, 40" x 26" Inches, collage, chalk, acrylic & gesso on paper

Dos prótesis, 2020, 40" x 26" Inches, collage, drawing, fabric, chalk, acrylic & gesso on paper

Tremendo brazo, 2020, 40" x 26" Inches, collage, drawing, fabric, chalk, acrylic & gesso on paper

Santo levitando, 2020, wax, motorcyclist protective gear, African found Sculpture, New Guinea found Sculpture, puppet, rope, silicone, 84 x 36 x 1.5 inches

Santo Levitando, Detail

Santo Levitando, Detail

Santo Levitando, Detail

Santo Levitando, Detail

El coco del otro jefe, 2020, 40" x 59" Inches, collage, drawing, fabric, chalk, cardboard, acrylic & gesso on paper

Third Room Zombie Series, Installation View

Third Room Zombie Series, Installation View

Los poderes de mi mascota, 2020, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

Los poderes de mi mascota, Detail

Zombie Guardaespaldas, 2019, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

Las cosas que se pueden hacer con el trabajo en equipo-, 2019, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

El otro Jefe, 2019, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

El Jefe, 2019, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

Este yo no sé quien es, 2019, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, drawing, chalk, cardboard, acrylic on paper

Third Room, Installation view

Albizu transformer, 2018, 60" x 22" Inches, collage, anatomic drawing

Albizu transformer, Detail

La Sirena de Albizu, 2018, 30" x 22" Inches, collage, anatomic drawing